Dish Gal's guide to getting the most out of life, one meal at a time...

Hot Dish of the Week!

As an ode to one of my favorite websites, (warning: can be a bit crude...and hilarious), I've decided to start a feature on Dish This! called "Hot Dish of the Week!" Every week I'll pick the thing I've been most obsessed with, and tell you why it's so hot right now.

This week? The honors go to a food I usually skip right over: Toast.

Why is toast the hot dish of the week? Because for some reason with this particular sickness, it's the only thing I've been in the mood for all week. I've smothered it in butter and some blackberry jam that Z and I picked up at the Outlook Farm in South Natick this past fall.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll wake up tomorrow all better and have my normal appetite back. Until then, toast it is..


Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better now! I'd like to invite you to take some time to drop by at Foodista You can try Foodista's Cheese Soup. We have launched an online food and cooking encyclopedia ala wikipedia where you can contribute and share what you know about food and cooking techniques. Thanks, See you there!

Dish This! said...

Cool website! Thanks for the heads up =)