Dish Gal's guide to getting the most out of life, one meal at a time...

Seinfeld, Part III: Another Babka?

"Cinnamon takes a back seat to no babka. People love cinnamon. It should be on tables at restaurants along with salt and pepper. Anytime anyone says, "Oh this is so good, what's in it?" The answer invariably comes back, "Cinnamon." "Cinnamon." Again and again. Lesser babka?? I think not." - Jerry Seinfeld

When Jerry and Elaine are thwarted in trying to purchase a chocolate babka in the episode, "The Dinner Party," the baker explains to them that there's also cinnamon babka. To which they both gasp and say, "Another babka!?" Jerry suggests they purchase it, but Elaine believes this one to be a lesser babka.

You can imagine my glee when I stumbled upon "the lesser babka" at Whole Foods awhile ago! I was so excited to see it, I snapped a cell phone photo of it and sent it to Dish Brother with the caption, "Another babka??"

In case you feel ambitious, here's a recipe to make your own cinnamon babka. Or, if you're a babka traditionalist like Elaine, here's the original: chocolate babka.


thompsty said...

loving the theme! I've never actually tried babka of any variety. For more Seinfeld inspired genius, check out Washington DC rapper, Wale's "The Mixtape About Nothing".

DC Hip-hop and Upper W. Side Jewish comedy, like butter plays toast.

thompsty said...

actual link!

The Well-Rounded Geek said...

Boulder used to have a fantastic deli on Pearl Street. We were sadly recalling the chocolate babka last night, then heard that Whole Foods had it. We hopped on our bikes tout-suite. They also had the cinnamon pictured above. Pretty good, actually, although the ones we remember were tall and lofty, more like delicious yeasty bundt cake.

Anonymous said...

Whole Foods has Cinnamon and Chocolate Babka of the yeasty bundt variety. I just ate almost half of the one I bought this afternoon :)

Joy K. said...

I just bought my first-ever babka, and it's exactly the one you have pictured here. I'm now a babka enthusiast!

Unknown said...

great find.