Dish Gal's guide to getting the most out of life, one meal at a time...

Time Travel Food

You've probably heard about the link between our sense of smell and our memory. And I'm sure you've experienced it-- the smell of pine bringing you back to childhood Christmases, a whiff of gin reminds you of the time you had too many G&Ts (ugh, abort, too vivid! avoid at all costs) get the idea.

My mom so believed in this that she once tried to have me study for a test in middle school with a vial of perfume under my nose, so that I'd better recall the answers when I took the test (with the same perfume). True story. Don't think it helped much...

In any case, I believe there are certain foods that have the same quality. Sure, because of the smells they have, but oftentimes because of something else...

For example, yesterday as I shopped for my groceries in the Porter Square Shaw's, my heart skipped a beat when I saw a package of Crumpets! When I spent a semester in London, crumpets were my all time favorite. And I swear as I tore into the plastic this morning as I got ready for work, revealing the soft spongy-ness of the ivory crumpet, for a brief moment I was standing in the kitchen of my South Kensington flat, watching BBC 1, wearing my flats I had bought at Miss Selfridge and dreading going to my internship at a certain film studio located in Oxford Circus. Ah, those were the days...

Does anyone else have a similar "time-travel" food???

Dish Gal

1 comment:

jonathan said...

Hurrah for crumpets - but make sure you toast them properly, otherwise you'll have a tough old time!