Dish Gal's guide to getting the most out of life, one meal at a time...

Thanksgiving recipe: Jacques' edamame succotash!

Jacques, Skylar's could-be-a-chef boyfriend, had a Thanksgiving themed party last Saturday night filled with all sorts of delicious food, like mashed spicy rutabaga and brussel sprouts. My favorite though was his famous edamame succotash-- and he kindly has decided to share the recipe with Dish Gal and my dearest readers!

Photo a little blurry because it's from my phone...apologies to the chef...

1. Cook 4 strips of bacon in a skillet - reserve grease

2. Heat half or all remaining grease in pan - add 1 shallot finely chopped, 1/2 a mediums sized yellow onion finely chopped (medium-high heat), and 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped

3. Add two tablespoons herbs de provence (rosemary and thyme most important)

4. When fragrant, add three cups yellow or white corn and three cups of shelled edamame (two cups at a time)

5. Stir in chopped bacon, add black pepper and cayenne to taste.

1 comment:

Hallie Fae said...

I love edamame and I've even gotten my father to start liking them as well. Great recipe!